
An interactive fiction by David A. Wheeler (2007) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 2 - Weapons and Miscellaneous Objects

A weapon is a kind of thing.
A rusty knife is a weapon. The description of the knife is "It's a knife with a rusty handle. The blade, however, has been recently sharpened and cleaned."
A gun is a weapon. The description of the gun is "It's a 9mm, with some bullets left."
A jar of poison is a weapon. The description of the jar of poison is "It's a jar of poison. You know this, because it says 'POISON' in big letters on the side of the jar. Below it is the tagline, 'Guaranteed to kill quickly, and there's no antidote!' -- Who sells this stuff?!?"
[I originally had only 2 weapons, which makes the game much more challenging.]