Welcome! On the following pages you will find various programs I've written over the
years. Feel free to download any or all of them. Everything here is freeware.
What's here:
PIC Microcontrollers
PIC0 a small programming language for PIC 10F2xx series microcontrollers.
Apple II Software
DSK2FILE - a ProDOS 8 utility for working with disk image files.
It runs on enhanced Apple IIe or "better" machines and includes source code (in QForth, see below). Also includes NIB2FILE for making .nib disk images of some copy-protected disks. Please see the comments at the end of the page.
QForth - a ProDOS 8 version of the Forth programming language. It can
create standalone applications, either SYS or BIN, and was used to write DSK2FILE. Merlin 8
assembler source code is included. This page also has Forth source code to expand QForth's abilities. Updated! (16-Jan-04)
Mult - A simple lo-res multiplication drill program. My kids used it
quite successfully. Written in BASIC and runs on any Apple II with Applesoft.
Sigma Software Package Disk - What happens when a bunch of silly high school
kids get together to produce their own software? Programs are written in BASIC and machine code.
Trax - NDD for your Apple II! High point of my high school programming days.
Written in BASIC and machine code.
The Incredible 6502 Page - "everything" 6502: tutorials, language summary,
links, machines using the 6502, etc.
N.B. the archives on the Apple II pages are ShrinkIt files unless
otherwise indicated. So, be sure to change the file extension to
'.shk' once the file is downloaded as they are not really '.zip' files!