% Diverse Double-Compiling (DDC), represented using prover9 % by David A. Wheeler. % Usage: % prover9 -f cP-corresponds-sP.in > cP-corresponds-sP.out % Prolog conventions instead (e.g., variables begin with an uppercase letter, % while constants begin with a lowercase letter): set(prolog_style_variables). % Attempt to find a simpler-to-understand proof, at the cost of needing to % work harder to find it: % set(restrict_denials). formulas(assumptions). % We will presume that there was a grandparent for this. cP = compile(sP, cGP, ePeffects, eP, eA) # label(definition_cP). all EnvEffects accurately_translates(cGP, lsP, sP, EnvEffects, eP, eA) # label(cGP_compiles_sP). accurately_translates(Compiler, Lang, Source, EnvEffects, ExecEnv, TargetEnv) -> exactly_correspond(compile(Source, Compiler, EnvEffects, ExecEnv, TargetEnv), Source, Lang, TargetEnv) # label(define_exactly_correspond). % Note: don't include the definition of compile(...) = extract(...); % prover9 will use it, even though it's not necessary, producing an % unnecessarily complicated proof. end_of_list.