AccuseAn interactive fiction by David A. Wheeler (2007) - the Inform 7 source text | |
Home page Contents Previous Complete text | Chapter 4 - Gameplay
When play begins: Change solution time to 0; Change the warning about giving up to 0; Change the right hand status line to "Time: Unstarted"; Change murderer to a random suspect; Change murder location to a random room; Change murder weapon to a random weapon; repeat with this suspect running through suspects begin; move this suspect to a random room; end repeat; repeat with this weapon running through weapons begin; move this weapon to a random room; end repeat; say "Welcome, detective! We really need your help in finding out who committed this terrible murder, where, and with what (the gun, knife, or poison). I understand that you can accuse someone and determine if something is true about the accusation; that is a skill you'll need here! But you'll need to hurry; we must find out who murdered Mr. David A. Wheeler right away. [italic type]Type 'help' for more.[roman type]". Every turn: Increase solution time by 1; if solution time > 0 then change the right hand status line to "Time: [solution time] minute[if solution time > 1]s[end if]". After reading a command: if the player's command includes "please" begin; say "(That's very polite! But no need to say please.)"; cut the matched text; end if. Rule for deciding whether all includes scenery: it does not. Instead of going nowhere for the third time: say "There's no need to bump into walls, I'll tell you if there's an exit in a certain direction." Taking inventory is acting confused. Looking is acting confused. After acting confused for the sixth turn: say "Are you having trouble? Type 'help' to get more information." |