I’ll be speaking 3 June at the International Free Software Forum (FISL), Brazil
I’ll be speaking at the “6th International Free Software Forum” in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Its Portuguese name is 6° Fórum Internacional Software Livre, so this is abbreviated as “FISL”. The conference itself is 1-4 June, 2005.
I’ll be speaking on June 3, 2005, from 17:15-18:15. I’ll be presenting in room 41A (in the 41 building). This is their biggest room, with 1000 person capacity and sessions with simultaneous translation. That may sound like a lot, but as of May 27 there were 3,180 attendees registered, and I’m sure there will be more at the door. So if you’re interested, please come early!
My presentation will summarize my work, Why Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS)? Look at the Numbers! Here’s the summary:
“The goal of this lecture is to convince you to consider using OSS/FS when you’re looking for software, using quantitive measures. Some sites provide a few anecdotes on why you should use OSS/FS, but for many that’s not enough information to justify using OSS/FS. Instead, this paper emphasizes quantitative measures (such as experiments and market studies) to justify why using OSS/FS products is in many circumstances a reasonable or even superior approach.”
I hope to see you there!
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