David A. Wheeler's Blog
Sun, 06 Mar 2005
March 2005 release of “Why OSS/FS? Look at the Numbers!”
For March - another release of
“Why Open Source Software /
Free Software (OSS/FS, FLOSS, FOSS)? Look at the Numbers!”
I made many changes, here are some of the highlights:
I modified the introduction section to create subsections in it
(it was getting too long to read without some breaking up).
Since I was modifying the intro anyway, I added
to it some evidence that this paper is worth
reading (e.g., the reference to it by the state of California).
I highlighted “commons-based peer production”
Coase’s Penguin,
a new reference, as part of a new section on the “bigger picture”.
I also mentioned there the “freedom to tinker” and Wikipedia.
Added reference to Bruce Perens’
The Emerging Economic Paradigm of Open Source
Added reference to Black Duck presentation on OSS/FS
Added a quote from Craig Mundie, who in a moment of honesty
admitted that for many years Microsoft had been much more
interested in functionality than security.
Hopefully this is changing, but I believe it’ll take years to
really address that.
In any case, I think this explains much of where they’ve been, though
hopefully not where they’re going.
Noted Novell/SUSE met CAPP/EAL4+, according to Government Computer News.
Added references to some common starting places,
such as the OpenCD (with OpenOffice.org and Firefox), Gnoppix, Knoppix.
Tweaked the text about self-sponsored “studies”, which I don’t
have a lot of respect for.
I noted a wonderful Steve Taylor phrase from
the song “Meat the Press” — it’s a phrase I always
think of when I think about that text. It is:
“They can state the facts while telling a lie.”
Changed any “Open Office” to “OpenOffice.org”.
The latter is the official name, due to trademark issues.
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