Slashdot posts my review of David J. Agans’ “Debugging”
Today Slashdot posted my review of David J. Agan’s Debugging: The 9 Indispensable Rules for Finding Even the Most Elusive Software and Hardware Problems. The bottom line: it’s a really good book. Debugging explains the fundamentals of finding and fixing bugs (once a bug has been detected), rather than any particular technology. It’s best for developers who are novices or who are only moderately experienced, but even old pros will find helpful reminders of things they know they should do but forget in the rush of the moment.path: /misc | Current Weblog | permanent link to this entry
New: Comments on Software Configuration Management (SCM) Systems
I’ve just posted a new essay, Comments on Software Configuration Management (SCM) Systems. It primarily compares CVS, Subversion, and GNU arch. If you need a way to manage software development, there’s lots of interesting stuff going on; take a look.path: /oss | Current Weblog | permanent link to this entry